The Aryan Brotherhood, BLM, the KKK, and Hamas all have theories as to which ethnicity is superior to, and has accomplished more, than all the others. While we appreciate the discussion, the facts are already in and the real ethnicity king, or should we say the real ethnicity Augustus, is clear! It’s the Italians.  Take a look!


Who was the world’s smartest Man? 

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian!

Who is the world’s prettiest woman?

Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren, an Italian!

Who was the first man to split the atom? 

Enrico Fermi

Enrico Fermi, an Italian!

Who was the Western Hemisphere named after

Amerigo Vespucci

Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian!

What is the world’s best food? 

Pizza, Italian (sort of)!

Who makes the best clothing and fashion accessories? 




and Armani,

all Italians!

Who  invented the military compass, discovered a) lunar mountains and mare (seas), b) the moons of Jupiter, c) and the phases of Venus, and proved that if you drop a feather and a hammer in a vacuum, they will hit the ground simultaneously? 


Galileo Galilei, an Italian!

If you don’t believe him, see below:

Who makes the best cars?

Italian Cars

Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati and, for the economically challenged, Fiat, all Italian!

Who perfected organized crime?

Not quite sure about this one!

Who discovered spaghetti and created the world’s best pool game?

Marco Polo

Marco Polo, an Italian!

The Italians taught the Gauls (i.e. the French) to make wine and the Iberians (i.e. the Spanish and the Portuguese) to speak, well, Spanish and Portuguese. The Italians also provide the world with the finest cars and most fashionable attire. 

If it  weren’t for the Italians,  the French would still be drinking near beer, the Iberians would still be babbling in Punic, and everyone would be buying their clothes at IKEA and driving a Skoda!

Let’s hear it for the Italians! First in food, last in war, and hot in the romantic arena!

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P.P.S. Before you leave, check out our merchandise and Commentative Clothing! Don’t wear you’re heart on your sleeve, proclaim your politics on your chest (of cap)!

P.P.P.S. Remember to tell (or text) your friends (or acquaintances, if you don’t have any friends) about the Meaning of Life ~ World’s Greatest Political Satire!!! You will rock their world!!!

P.P.P.P.S. Don’t forget to order Al’s new book, Naples Secrets in the Sun at!!!

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